Shannon Edwins
2 min readMar 20, 2020


The Hidden Gift In Uncertain Times

The road we choose to take does not always lead us where we want to go, It seems like the universe has plans of its own. Did you ever fiercely work towards a goal and everything was heading in the right direction, only for some sort of set back an accident or some other major obstacle and you were so determined and stubborn that nothing was going to get in your way.

Determined to work hard and change thing’s so life will get better. Just to end up completely exhausted at the end of the day with no time of your own. Eventually, you start waking up tired because of the amount of effort it takes there is just not enough time in the day. If only I had more time that’s what most of us say. Running around like chickens with their heads cut off if that is actually what chickens do. Wishing time would just come to a standstill so they could get more done. If people could buy time off a shelf I bet it would be running low. But thank goodness the universe has plans of its own. We don’t always realize this when it happens and don’t worry most of us don’t This is often very frustrating but I want to tell you that it is actually a gift and most times we miss this. Because its only natural and human nature to get caught up in what is called life and all along if we saw this we would be able to feel calm and realize that we have been given a gift to take a breath because what brought us here is where the universe for some reason wants us to be. So take it slow when your worried and take some deep breaths it is then you will be able to see more clearly and have clear awareness of what is in front of you right now focus with full intent. The road doesn’t last forever don’t worry it will change again until then just breathe where you are and focus on the beauty right in front of you right where it was all along.

